Requirement #3: Simple Machines


Scientists versus Engineers

Many people think there are no differences between a scientist and an engineer, whilst others think the two careers are completely separate from one another. Generally speaking, science is the study of the physical world, which engineering applies scientific knowledge to design processes, structures and equipment.

  • Scientists observe the world, while engineers focus on creating. Both field require observation and analysis, though engineering deals with creating and working on already existing creations.

  • Engineering is more specific than science. Engineering deals with a variety of issues and topics, but it is narrowed down to the study of how things work. Science is a much broader subject.

  • Science creates questions. Engineering creates answers. In general, science deals with observing and coming up with theories, whilst engineering helps to put these theories to the test.

    This tip was adapted from the excellent website. Check it out to learn more on the difference between scientists and engineers!

\(\boxed{\mathbb{REQ}\Large \rightsquigarrow}\) Do all of the following:

  1. Make a list or drawing of the six simple machines.

  2. Be able to tell your counselor the name of each machine and how each machine works.


    Helpful Link “Six Simple Machines”: Website.

  3. Discuss the following with your counselor:

    1. The simple machines that were involved with the motion in your chosen merit badge


      Look at the moving parts of an engine to find simple machines.

    2. The energy source causing the motion for the subject of your merit badge

    3. What you learned about motion from earning your merit badge

Additional Challenge

Consider the following quote from the famous physicist Freeman Dyson (1923 – 2020) wrote, “A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering.” Perform some research to explain this quote. You can interview scientists and engineers and ask their opinion. Do you agree with Dyson’s words?

alternate text

Science understands how the sum of forces make the forks stable on the glass of water, thus shedding light on Newton’s law. Engineer, in contrast, aims at making sure the forks remain stable. Of course this picture is somewhat unfair to engineers as their solutions are usually much more… ingenious! This picture was copied from this website.

One good source of information is this website where the different roles of scientists and engineers are discussed in the specific area of optics.

However remember: There is considerable overlap between science and engineering, so you will find scientists who design and construct equipment and engineers who make important scientific discoveries.


Once you have completed this requirement, make sure you document it in your worksheet!